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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria
versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352
VALLEJOS, Pedro; GERARDO, Zamora y JORGE, Juan. Estimación de la tasa sedimentos en la cuenca minera del lago Poopo mediante el modelo potencial de erosión de suelos (EPM) y tendencias ante variaciones climáticas - Uso de herramientas SIG y teledetección. REV. MAMYM [online]. 2018, n.4, pp.50-67. ISSN 2519-5352.
Abstract The present investigation projects to estimate the volume of sediment transport in the Poopo lake basin applying the method Erosion Potential Method (EPM) and tools of Information Systems Geography (SIG) and remote sensing, the results were evaluated withthe soil loss presented in one of its sub-basins, such as the sub-basin. Tacagua basin, of which bathymetric records have been reported in the 2010 management. The Poopo lake basin is located in the department of Oruro (Bolivia), covers an area of 25,254.64 km2 and is strongly affected by erosion, sedimentation and pollution processes. EPM considers four factors: soil erodability, climate, topography and land use. For the study, climatic data of 22 meteorological stations located in and around the basin were considered; The parameters of erodability, vegetation cover and soil erosion were obtained from the geology maps, land use and erosion states, the slope map was obtained from the digital elevation model at 30 meters of spatial resolution. The results show that the sediment transport rate in the Poopó lake basin reached 2,266,504.24 m3 / year. Considering that the sediments that reach Lake Poopó are not only those produced by the Lake basin, but also the upstream watersheds such as: the Alto Desaguadero basin, Mauri and the middle Desaguadero (31,130 additional km2), the transport rate Estimated sediment from this entire area would reach approximately 5,368,141 m3 / year. Bearing in mind that the volume of Lake Poopó is approximately 2.21 km3, it is estimated that in about 410 years Lake Poopó would be completely clogged, producing a more serious environmental disaster than the one that currently occurs.
Palabras clave : Potential erosion method; geographic information system; remote sensing; sedimentation.