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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria
versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352
ZAMORA ECHENIQUE, Gerardo y MATA CALCINA, Jenny. Estudio técnico de la recuperación de un producto comerciable de Zinc mediante desulfatación, dren anóxico calizo y precipitación de las aguas acidas de la mina de Porco PARTE I . REV. MAMYM [online]. 2017, n.2, pp.56-66. ISSN 2519-5352.
Abstract In the underground mining operation of Porco, located in the department of Potosí, in the Northeast part of the Province of Antonio Quijarro, to about 4099 msnm; And distant about 50 kilometers from the city, acid mine waters are generated which are permanently evacuated at a flow of 30 liters / second and at a pH of 2.4. Among the main metáis dissolved in these waters are inunits of milligrams perliter: 9164 of Zn; 2160 of Fe; 36 Cd; 10.9 Cu and 0.42 Pb; In addition to 12300 sulfate. Due to the water déficit in the zone, the mining operation mixes these acid waters with the basic queues coming from the process of concentration of minerals, in order to neutralize them and reach a pH valué of 4.6; Then, after decanting them in the tailings ditch and treating them with lime, until reaching a pH of 12, recirculate them to the flotation process. The objective of the present investigation is limited to the technical study of the treatment of the acid waters of the Porco Mine, by means of a process of Desulphation - Neutralization in Anechoic Calcite Drainage - Precipitation aerated with lime, in order to recover the Zn present in the same Through laboratory-scale tests for possible application on an industrial scale. The results obtained in the desulphation show that it is possible to reduce the sulphate concentration from 12260.37 mg /1 to 1078.49 mg /1, at a pH of 3.0 with the addition of ground limestone; While in the treatment of the effluent discharged in a chalky anoxic drain, it was determined that for a residence time of 15 hours, the achieved alkalinity was 160 mg /1 and the discharge pH was 6.5. Finally, the discharge effluent from the chalky anoxic drainage system allowed to obtain by post-extraction and addition of lime, a precipítate with Zn content of up to 20.88% and with low content of other impurity, which will require to be subjected to a dehydration process at temperatures of 627 ° C in order to obtain tradable ZnO. The dimensions of the Limestone Anechoic Bed for 5 years of operation and to treat 30 1 / sec of acid water are: Depth of 2.5 m; Width of 17.7 m and length of 88.71 m.
Palabras clave : Dren anóxico; tratamiento; aguas acidas; Porco.