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Educación Superior

versión impresa ISSN 2518-8283


ARANDA, Víctor Hugo. Towards a pedagogy of epistemic writing: a challenge for higher education in the 21st century. Edu. Sup. Rev. Cient. Cepies [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.2, pp.37-50. ISSN 2518-8283.

Abstract Writing as language is inherent to human thought and knowledge. The present study is circumscribed in the field of higher education, a scenario where, depending on the level of depth, complexity and scope, writing acquires the status of academic writing, and the argumentative discourse becomes a critical knot, object of analysis and discussion. in this article. The research was developed from the hermeneutical-critical paradigm, the qualitative-quantitative methodological approach and the dialectical-emergent design; As key strategies, content analysis and the focus group were applied; The analysis unit was made up of twelve postgraduates and 55 academic texts, including postgraduate theses and scientific articles from different Bolivian universities. The results reveal a low argumentative discursive level, as well as symptoms of academic illiteracy. The analysis and discussion in this regard allow us to conclude that the teaching-learning of writing and the production of academic texts is not satisfactory, likewise, that academic and scientific training in higher education in the 21st century implies as an inescapable challenge the training and development of writing skills, for whose purpose it is necessary to move from a traditional teaching of written writing, towards a pedagogy of epistemic writing, which contributes preeminently to the production of knowledge, to the development of critical thinking and scientific knowledge

Palabras clave : Writing; academic literacy; argumentative writing; pedagogy; epistemic writing.

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