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Educación Superior

versión impresa ISSN 2518-8283


AGUIRRE T, Vicente W.  y  QUINTANILLA M, Humberto J.. Follow-up of graduates of the Public Accounting Program of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés graduated between 2014 and 2019. Edu. Sup. Rev. Cient. Cepies [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.2, pp.11-24. ISSN 2518-8283.

Abstract For universities and training centers, the graduate follow-up system is an important tool for providing feedback on the content of their training programs, as well as for providing continuous training that make it easy the access of graduates to the labor market and enables constant updating. In this sense, following the experiences of several universities, a survey was designed and applied to all graduates of the Public Accounting Career of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) who graduated between 2014 and 2019. Therefore, in order to make a sustainable follow-up, the survey was incorporated as part of UMSA's academic information systems, which allowed the information inclusion from the administrative register of the university's Statistics Division. The results provide information on the employment situation of the graduates and give elements to improve the offered training by the Public Accounting program

Palabras clave : Graduates follow-up survey; Public Accounting program; public universities.

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