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Educación Superior
versión impresa ISSN 2518-8283
QUIROZ CALLE, Marcelo. Uncertainty, science and the truth. Edu. Sup. Rev. Cient. Cepies [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.1, pp.37-48. ISSN 2518-8283.
Abstract Science as a structure and process, in continuous development, aims to overcome the uncertainties, or problems that organized man faces, as part of his process of social reproduction, being the laws or governing principles of a certain phenomenon, its ultimate objective, the explanation , assumed these as achieved truths, which is not necessarily true, hence their condition of perfectibility is an important feature; even more so in the case of the treatment of social phenomena, hence the importance of unraveling the concept of truth, both as a constructed category, or as a proposed result, implying a construction not a final definition, which therefore implies the emergence of a plurality of achievements, or apparent truths, from different procedures or varied historical distinctions that complicate in itself the condition of aífirmation of science. And this is the main concern of this article, based on a hermeneutical methodical process that aims to describe and analyze the development of science from the concept of truth, not colloquially, however, but distinguished from its theoretical explanatory claim and its methodological process applied
Palabras clave : Truth; truths; science; social sciences; method; methodology.