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Educación Superior
versión impresa ISSN 2518-8283
CAMACHO, Silvia. Sustainable Development and Education?. Edu. Sup. Rev. Cient. Cepies [online]. 2017, vol.2, n.1, pp.92-103. ISSN 2518-8283.
Abstract The progress of a country orgroup of citizens is based on Human Rights respect and compliance. Therefore, women and men will reach their personal realization in a social and natural environment which is harmonic with their human condition. However, the reality in Bolivia and in the rest of Latin America is unfavorable and can be translated into difficulties that professors and students face (which in turn will require them to make assertive decisions), in terms of whetherthey will wantto leave and everlasting heritage in benefit of future generations. The content of this article refers to a multidisciplinary perspective of human development in terms of a human being with physical, cognitive, emotional and social dimensions, which are related to the level of adversity in a certain context, showing some not-so-obvious problems with the purpose of awaking the interest of the univer-sity community, especially, and with urgency, by the curricular proposals of all undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The conclusions are related to what, we, as professors, should teach, taking into account the nobility of this endeavor.
Palabras clave : Sustainable human development; migration; animal predation; violence; human trafficking; feminicides; chronic malnutrition; poverty.