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vol.2 número1La escritura académica: Dificultades y necesidades en educación superiorHábitos de Lectura en Formadores de Formadores del INSEF índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educación Superior

versión impresa ISSN 2518-8283


CARDOZO GUTIERREZ, Luis Adrian. Generators of stress in educators in the public, private and rural sector. Edu. Sup. Rev. Cient. Cepies [online]. 2017, vol.2, n.1, pp.56-71. ISSN 2518-8283.

Abstract The research is based on the qualitative paradigm, understanding the study as an approximation to the expe-rience and perception that the educator of public, pivate and rural establishment has regarding the sources of stress in the socio-labor contexts where teaching is practiced. It's developed by the active participation of teachers themselves as observers in their work contexts, identifying those situations or factors associated with the generation of stress in their respective working area, whether it's a public, private or rural school. The information is obtained through filling an anonymous open questionnaire, which was answered after a period of observation by the informants. The raw data obtained was transcribed and categorized in relation to the associated subcategories. Emerging a set of experiences identified as sources of stress in the teaching activi-ty. Criteria that is developed in the discussion of the results and pertinently focuses on the conclusions to the research of questions that guided and delimited the study.

Palabras clave : Generators; stress; teachers.

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