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Oikos Polis

versión impresa ISSN 2521-960Xversión On-line ISSN 2415-2250


CECILIA DE MARCO, Myriam Lilian  y  MEDINA, Orlando Francisco. Culture of innovation in a public hospital. Oikos Polis [online]. 2019, vol.4, n.2, pp.143-163. ISSN 2521-960X.

Abstract Innovation is essential for the competitiveness and survival of organizations; in this sense, the culture of innovation plays a fundamental role in the innovation capacity of organizations as well as a remarkable effect on competitiveness. The process of adopting an innovation in health, understood as a set of behaviors, routines and methods of novel work, aimed at improving health outcomes, has been little explored. Research, development and innovation and their relationship with public policies, is what will allow introducing improvements to the products, services and processes that health organizations provide, for the solution of the health problems of the population.

Palabras clave : Management; Innovation; Organizational Culture; Health Services; Public Hospital.

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