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Revista Jurídica Derecho

versão impressa ISSN 2413-2810


GARCIA BELLOTA, Javier. Elementos de realismo jurídico que aportan a la comprensión de la crisis de la justicia en Bolivia. Rev. Jur. Der. [online]. 2024, vol.13, n.20, pp.19-38. ISSN 2413-2810.

Abstract This article tries, in the first instance, to show the different notions around the word "realism". Secondly, it tries to outline some concepts that can define legal realism. Legal realism, for its part, has different schools, some of which are Scandinavian, American and Soviet. The contributions of these schools will be considered to identify some elements of legal realism that serve as analysis categories for understanding the crisis of justice in Bolivia. Likewise, a concise state of the question or diagnosis of the crisis of justice in the country will be made. Finally, some differences and similarities with other types of realism, such as political realism, will be discussed

Palavras-chave : realism; legal realism; political realism; realpolitik; bolivian justice.

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