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vol.10 número14Implicaciones y alcances de la firma de la convención interamericana para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra la mujer "convención de belem do para" (1994) - caso MéxicoEl delito de blanqueo de dinero o la legitimación de ganancias en Bolivia y su necesaria interpretación desde una perspectiva constitucional¹ índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Jurídica Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 2413-2810


VICUNA DOMINGUEZ, Marco Eugenio  y  AVILA CARDENAS, Francisco Xavier. Children abandoned in ecuador, the exercise of your right to identity. Rev. Jur. Der. [online]. 2021, vol.10, n.14, pp.42-64. ISSN 2413-2810.

Abstract In this work we will focus on reviewing from the legal, constitutional and legal Ecuadorian scope the problems that the situation of abandoned children entails, especially around the exercise of the right to identity, to effective administrative and judicial protection, which entails a series of effects and that its inapplicability violates the precept of the "best interests of the child" enshrined in the Constitutional Charter. In this context, we will address the following aspects: Conception of the person, Legal Existence of People; Obligations of the State; constitutional and legal rights of boys, girls and adolescents, with emphasis on newborns; right to identity; right to effective administrative and judicial protection; and the problem of abandoned children facing the exercise of these rights

Palabras clave : Person; Abandonment; Placement; Identity; Guardianship.

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