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vol.8 número10Elementos para una teoría del Estado PlurinacionalEl derecho humano de acceso a la justicia de los trabajadores burocráticos en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Jurídica Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 2413-2810


PETIT GUERRA, Luis Alberto. Which is the debate of latin american jurisprudence with regard to the development of the right to the living minimum? Between the avantgarde and the retaguard. Rev. Jur. Der. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.10, pp.56-67. ISSN 2413-2810.

Abstract This essay introduces some general ideas regarding initial approaches on the minimum vital/existential notion in American and European contexts, especially to highlight the contrast between impulses and jurisprudential directions in our continent. From broad and novel jurisprudential developments, to the few and sometimes confused ones -and even non-existent ¡n some countries- part of the reasons between the vanguard and rearguard in such orientations of a complex, problematic and elusive notion are analyzed

Palabras clave : Vital minimum; existential minimum; systems dialogue; justiciability of social rights.

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