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vol.8 número10Elementos para una teoría del Estado Plurinacional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Jurídica Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 2413-2810


HIDALGO NEUENSCHWANDER, Gregor Gonzalo. Plurinational state of Bolivia, a contribution to latin american neo-constitutionalism or simple rhetoric?. Rev. Jur. Der. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.10, pp.15-36. ISSN 2413-2810.

Summary The present work originates from the need to explain, in an academic way, some aspects that are only treated at the political level, one of them, the constitutional denomination of Bolivia. In this way, it has been carried out a qualitative and descriptive design, very suitable in research within social sciences. The objective is to generate an academic discussion on the importance of the denomination of Bolivia in relation to the planned constitutional model, which is reflected in the country’s vision; all the studied aspects lead to determine that the denomination is atypical and contributes in some way to neo-constitutionalism in Latin America.

Palabras clave : Constituent Process; Constitutionalism; Neoconstitutionalism; Plurinational; Republic.

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