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vol.1 número1Análisis de la Sentencia Constitucional 0100/2014El Código de Seguridad Social y sus reformas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Jurídica Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 2413-2810


QUENTA FERNANDEZ, Javier. Approach to the diagnosis of the crisis in the administration of criminal justice (An approach from the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal law in the constitutional system). Rev. Jur. Der. [online]. 2014, vol.1, n.1, pp.61-72. ISSN 2413-2810.

The crisis of the judicial body by the known background in the mass media, refers to the infighting and personal conflicts that are unleashed into the courts of the highest level within the judiciary, that is Supreme Court, Agroambiental Court, Plurinational Constitutional Court and Judicial Council. It will be innocuous and insufficient found these personal conflicts as the consequences of the crisis of the administration of justice, for that reason the analysis should focus on the administration of Bolivian justice particularly in the administration of criminal justice.

Palabras clave : Crisis; Judicial organ; Media; Supreme justice court; Agroambiental Court; Plurinational Constitutional Court; Council of Magistrates.

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