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Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales

versión impresa ISSN 2409-1618


AGUILERA-ARANGO, Germán Andrés; PUENTES-DIAZ, Carol Liliana  y  RODRIGUEZ-HENAO, Eberto. Disinfection methods for the in vitro establishment of two varieties of cassava for agroindustrial use. RIIARn [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.3, pp.21-30. ISSN 2409-1618.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an economically important crop in the department of Cauca, located in the Southwest of Colombia. Most farmers use branches from past harvests as planting material, often with poor phytosanitary quality, affecting the production of starch. One way to obtain quality cassava planting material is through in vitro plant tissue culture. The present work aimed to evaluate three disinfection methods in two varieties of cassava for agroindustrial use, in order to standardize the in vitro establishment of these varieties to produce planting material with phytosanitary quality. For this, nodal segments of cassava stems of the Corpoica Cumbre 3 and Corpoica La Francesa varieties were used as explants, which were subjected to three disinfection methods, where the concentration of sodium hypochlorite and disinfection time varied before being put to grow in MS medium. With the results it was possible to determine that the agent that caused the highest percentage of contamination was bacteria followed by fungi and that the genetic component of each variety has a differential effect on the disinfection methods for the in vitro establishment For this study, it is concluded that the use of 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes turned out to be the best disinfection treatment for the Corpoica La Francesa variety, while other methodologies should be evaluated for the Corpoica Cumbre 3 variety.

Palabras clave : Phytosanitary quality; Corpoica Cumbre 3; Corpoica La Francesa; Manihot esculenta; planting material.

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