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Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales

Print version ISSN 2409-1618


COELA POMA, Ronald Reynaldo  and  TARQUI DELGADO, Marcelo. Evaluation of the water resources demand in the traditional irrigation of the Azanaques basin. RIIARn [online]. 2017, vol.4, n.1, pp.19-30. ISSN 2409-1618.

ABSTRACT The adverse climatic conditions of the department of Oruro are characterized by the low rainfall and high evapotranspiration that limitthe production of crops and fodder, forthese reasons farmers are in need of resorting to complementary irrigation. Forthis purpose they use water from the rivers of the Poopó basin, among which is the Azanaque River, which is the only source of water available for irrigation and for animal consumption. Under the current characteristics of traditional irrigation in the study areas, the main objective of the research was to quantify, evaluate and describe the demand of water resources applied to irrigation atthe parcel level, because it is not known whetherthe applied Are above or below actual crop requirements if their management in the application presents acceptable efficiencies or if it is influenced by the organization and management of irrigation. The methodology consisted in soil sampling, soil moisture measurements, infiltration tests and estimation of the plot water balance. It was concluded that Azanaque river water has an average pH of 5.22 classified as normal to moderately acid with low Sodium and boron, can be used without restriction in mostsoils and crops. The water volume offered in the basin is lower in most of the crop cycle except forthe period from February to April, where the supply is higherdue mainly to the low irrigation efficiencies of the systems.

Keywords : Complementary irrigation; water balance; Azanaques basin.

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