Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science
versión impresa ISSN 2311-3766versión On-line ISSN 2311-2581
LOZADA-SALCEDO, Euclides Efraín; NUNEZ-TORRES, Oscar Patricio; ROSERO-PENAHERRERA, Marco Antonio y ARAGADVAY-YUNGAN, Ramon Gonzalo. Effects physiopathological of secondary compounds in monogastric feeding. J.Selva Andina Anim. Sci. [online]. 2017, vol.4, n.1, pp.82-92. ISSN 2311-3766.
The high nutritious value which they contribute to the originating products nonconventional of legumes in the nutrition animal cannot be used in their totality due to the compound presence secondary also denominated antinutricionales factors, such that structurally contain a great variety of biologically active substances that according to its nature and concentration is those that limits their use due to the injurious effects that produce in the monogastric animals since they do not count on the protection that offers the ruminal bacterial flora as in the case of the ruminants. With this investigation one looks for to analyze in detailed form the adverse effects that cause tannins, inhibitors of protease, lectins, vicina and convicina, oligosaccharides, saponins, fítico acid, L-Drug, in the diverse physiological, metabolic processes and enzymatic since they interfere in the digestibility of the nutrients, block the mineral use, they promote the lost one of endogenous protein, exacerbate the neurotransmission in the nervous system, alter the immunological system, digestive upheavals, produces anatomical damages and structural, they slow down the growth of the animals specially when its consumption is in intensive form, by such reason is essential to know the dynamics of these compounds to be able to a great extent take advantage of the nutritious quality the seeds in the different production systems when including them in balanced diets.
Palabras clave : Anti-nutritional; composite side; digestibility; disorders physiological; bacterial flora; protein digestible.