Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science
versión impresa ISSN 2311-3766versión On-line ISSN 2311-2581
CHOQUE-FERNANDEZ, Graciela Cristina; LOZA-MURGUIA, Manuel Gregorio; VINO-NINA, Nicolasa Lourdes y CORIA-CONDE, Luis Alfredo. Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae) an important ectoparasite in sheep of four cantons of the municipality of Sorata province Larecaja, department of La Paz. J.Selva Andina Anim. Sci. [online]. 2017, vol.4, n.1, pp.3-12. ISSN 2311-3766.
The study of Oestrosis in sheep was carried out in the cantons of Sorata, Obispo Bosque, Laripata and Ilabaya, belonging to the Municipality of Sorata, under the agreement made with the institution Departmental Agricultural and Livestock Service (SEDAG) between August and September 2002, with 164 heads of sheep out of which 151 heads were Oestrus ovis, 13 were negative, taking into account the factors canton, sex, age and number of larvae per animal. The prevalence of Oestrosis in Sorata was 39% and by corner Obispo Bosque 28%, Ilabaya and Laripata 18% and 15% respectively. The analysis of variance to quantify the number of larvae per canton did not present significant differences (P> 0.005) as well as for the sex and age factor, which means that the canton Sorata, Obispo Bosque, Laripata and Ilabaya have equal % of Oestrosis for The age factor is not significant difference between females and males nor groups of age 1 and 2. Analysis of variance to determine the differences in the number of larvae per canton, sex, age and larval stage also does not exist significant differences, however, considering (P <0.005) because there are more larvae in the L-1 stage than L-2 and L-3. In this sense, Oestrosis affects all the cantons under study without distinction of age groups, sex, however varying in the presence of different larval stages, where L-1 predominates.
Palabras clave : Oestrus ovis; ectoparasite; sheep.