Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science
versión impresa ISSN 2311-2581
NUNEZ-TORRES, Oscar Patricio; ARAGADVAY-YUNGAN, Ramón Gonzalo; GUERRERO-LOPEZ, Jorge Ricardo y VILLACIS-ALDAZ, Luis Alfredo. Productive performance in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) using ruminal contents. J.Selva Andina Anim. Sci. [online]. 2016, vol.3, n.2, pp.87-97. ISSN 2311-2581.
The research was conducted in Ecuador, Tungurahua province, canton Pelileo, in order to evaluate the effect of three levels of ruminal content (5, 10 and 15%) in the concentrate to feed guinea pigs during the fattening phase diet, and determine production costs of treatments. The results achieved with the supply of made up 15% of more balanced ruminal contents of cattle, with body both 15 days (763.40 g) and 30 days (935.22 g), at 45 days pesos diet (1095.27 g) and 60 days (1255.34 g); consequently gain was obtained by weight at 15 days (309.00 g), 30 days (480.00 g), 45 days (633.60 g) and 60 days (795.33 g), reporting a FCR both at 15 days (10.00) and 30 days (12.87), at 45 days (17.25) and 60 days (19.42). The assessment of mortality established that no deaths were existed in any treatment until 60 days of the trial. With regard to food consumption, it is concluded that in general the guinea pigs consumed the total mixed feed provided, leaving no residue. The compositional analysis was noted that the ruminal content presented 13.7% ash, 9% (Nx5.7) protein, 12.6% moisture, 0.098% fat, 34.1% crude fiber, 30.5% total carbohydrates and 173 Kcal * 100 g energy. Regarding the microbiological analysis, it was established that introduced 4.1 x 107 CFU / g of aerobic mesophilic bacteria 1.4 x 104 CFU / g of molds, 6.0 x 103 CFU / g of yeast, whose presence is low, also reported 30 (e) CFU / g of total coliforms, <10 CFU / g Escherichia coli and not detected salmonella, amounts that are low, indicating that the rumen contents, no presence of microorganisms harmful to health detected guinea pigs. It administering 15% of more balanced ruminal content (T3), it reached a cost benefit ratio of 0.17, where net profits were 0.17 times the investment, from being economically profitable treatment.
Palabras clave : Diets; Food; Feed conversion.