Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science
versión impresa ISSN 2311-2581
APAZA-HUALLPA, Yesenia; LOZA-MURGUIA, Manuel Gregorio; ROJAS-PARDO, Abel y ACHU-NINA, Cristóbal. Determination the behavior of the curve lactation Mestizo and dairy cattle Altiplano of the Province Omasuyos Department of La Paz-Bolivia. J.Selva Andina Anim. Sci. [online]. 2016, vol.3, n.2, pp.77-86. ISSN 2311-2581.
The present research work was conducted in eight communities, Municipality of Achacachi Omasuyos Province, with the following objectives: i) calculate the parameters that describe the lactation curve in cows with and without stable. 20 crossbred cows were selected (Holstein crosses with Criollo). 14 and 6 had stable without stable, all were in the last third of gestation to give birth in the months of January month end, February and March earlier this month, milk production was determined from birth until natural drying, their diet was based on native grasslands, pastures of alfalfa, oats and barley (Green, hay and straw). The analysis of the results obtained have on average (a = 4.248, b = 0.348 and c = 0.006 different Ticona (2001), possibly because the average current milk production is (10 kg / day). The average milk production to 305 days of lactation (DL - 305), in cows with stable was 3242.68 kg with an average daily production of 10.6 kg; while the average milk production to 305 days of lactation (PL - 305) in cows without stable was 2621.87 kg, with an average production of 8.6 kg per day. The model proposed by Wood (1967), It was adequate in determining the parameters that define the lactation curve in crossbred cows in the highlands, and to estimate milk production in the town of Achacachi, Omasuyos province, department of La Paz.
Palabras clave : Crossbred cows; municipality of Achacachi; lactation curve.