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versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265


HEREDIA CHUCATINY, Claudia; ALCAZAR VASQUEZ, Paola Alejandra  y  GARCIA DE SALGUEIRO, Carmiña Heidy. Relation between the Leptin Receptor and metabolic parameters in overweight and obese children/adolescents in the Department of La Paz. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2024, vol.12, n.1, pp.16-27. ISSN 2310-0265.


Childhood obesity is considered one of the most serious public health concerns. Leptin, and its receptor, is the hormone responsible of the body weight regulation. Leptin resistance occur when there is an affection to leptin or its receptor. Understanding this imbalance can help us to promote strategies for prevention and reduction of these related conditions.


To stablish a relation between the Leptin receptor (R-Leptin) with metabolic parameters (glycemia and lipid profile) in overweight and obese children/adolescents in the Department of La Paz.

Materials and methods.

To determine blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides serum levels, commercial colorimetric kits were used. For LDL-cholesterol, Friedewald formula was applied. ELISA test was used for serum Leptin and R-Leptin levels. ANOVA was applied to determine the relation between R-Leptin and BMI; Box-cox analysis for Leptin and R-leptin ratio and; Spearman correlation for R-Leptin ratio and metabolic parameters (MASS and ggplot2 packages were used in R Software version v2.0).


Leptin receptor concentrations below the established lower limit in overweight and obese patients were determined. Only HDL concentration correlated with R-Leptin concentration in blood (ρ=0.20, p<0.05).


Children/adolescents with normal weight have higher serum concentrations of R-Leptin. The concentration of metabolic parameters was determined in a multifactorial manner.

Palabras clave : Obesity; Leptin Receptor; Leptin Resistance.

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