versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265
CONDO, Claudia et al. In vitro antiparasitic activity from plants ofthe Tacana traditional medicine on Plasmodiumfaci-parum through thefluorometric method-SYBR GreenI.. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2020, vol.8, n.1, pp.21-32. ISSN 2310-0265.
Abstract Introduction: The presence of active compounds in plants, converts them as an alternative to find new drugs. Objective: Carry out the bioprospecting of plants used in Tacana Traditional Medicine against Plasmodium falciparum cultures. Methods: From the 31 collected organs of 23 plants, raw extracts were obtained by ethanolic maceration at room temperature and these were evaluated on asynchronic cultures of the strain Plasmodium falciparum resistant to Chloroquine (FCR3). The active extracts (IC5()<2Oug/mL), were evaluated for cytotoxicity (LD50) against HeLa cells and the Selectivity Index (IS=DL50/IC50) was calculated. The extracts that sowed IS>5were selected as promising. Results: A total of 3 species were very active (IC50<10ug/mL); 2 were moderately active (10ug/mL<IC50<15ug/mL); 4 slightly active (15ug/mL<IC50<20ug/mL) and 14 inactive plants (IC50>20ug/mL). From the 9 active plants only 2 presented IS>5. Conclusions: Incorporating the traditional knowledge to carry out biological evaluations is very helpful in the selection of plants with anti-plasmodial effects.
Palabras clave : Plasmodium; Tacana tradicional medicine; HeLa; Selective Index.