versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265
GIMENEZ, ALBERTO et al. Pilot study of intestinal parasitosis diagnostic and response to Mebendazol on school age children at schools in Charcas II, El Sillar and La Cascada, year 2010 La Paz.. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2018, vol.6, n.1, pp.37-49. ISSN 2310-0265.
Abstract The Project "Deworming of children in rural schools" carried out a pilot experimental field work to determine intestinal para-sites levels in kids in rural schools, at Charcas II, La Cascada and El Sillar communities, South Yungas province, Department of La Paz, Bolivia. The coproparasitologic studies were carry out on 93 feces samples, from kids from initial to fifth grade, within ages from 5 to 12 years. An average of 97,9% of the samples showed presence of protozoa parasites and up to 54,5% showed, additionally, presence of Helminthes, with a general ratio of Protozo-an to Helminthes of 2,0. At Charcas II School and La Cascada School the ratio was of 1,8; while at El Sillar gave a ratio of 2,5. A total of 12 parasites were identified, among the protozoa: Blatocystishominis (92,7%); Entamoeba coli (50,3%); Endolimax nana (44,0%); Giardia lamblia (39,3%); lodamoeba bütschlii (25,0%) and Chilomastix mesnili:(8,3%) and among the Helminthes: Ascaris lumbriocoides (30,0%); Uncinaria spp (21,7%), Strongyloides stercoralis (9,0%); Hymenolepis nana (7,0%) and Trichuris trichiura (5,7%) and in one sample we detected Enterobius vermicularis. Accord-ing to their deworming program, at Charcas II School, kids received treatment with Mebendazol (1200mg) and the effectwas evaluated 7 days after treatment. On a total of 21 children. Mebendazol eliminated 50% of Helminthes. A lumbricoides was eliminated from all samples; Uncinaria spp, S. stercoralis y T. trichiura only from 50% of the samples and H. nana persist-ed in all samples, while Protozoan parasites were eliminated on nearly 19% of the samples.
Palabras clave : Parasites; Mebendazol; Helminthes; Protozoa; La Paz-Bolivia.