versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265
MAMANI MAYTA, DEYSI DANITZA; GUTIERREZ DURAN, MARÍA DEL PILAR; SERRUDO JUAREZ, JORGE ARMANDO y GONZALES DAVALOS, EDUARDO. Quality parameters of flour of Amaranthus caudatus Linnaeus (amaranth), Chenopodium quinoa Willd (quinoa), Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen (kañahua), Lupinus mutabilis Sweet (tarwi). Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2017, vol.5, n.1, pp.27-38. ISSN 2310-0265.
Abstract The plant species Amaranthus caudatus Linnaeus (amaranth), Chenopodium quinoa Willd (quinoa), Lupinus mutabilis Sweet (tarwi), Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen (kañahua), also called Andean grains, have long been the food base of many families in our Country, these grains are recognized for their high nutritional value. At present several companies of our region commercialize these grains in its processed form. The aim of this work was to establish the parameters of quality and identification of the amaranth, quinoa, kañahua and tarwi flours from the municipalities of Ancoraimes, Tomina, Huancané and Peñas. For this purpose, the micrographic analysis was performed with starch, aleurone and fat as main elements. The physicochemical analysis carried out reported a moisture content in quinoa of 6.03%, total ash 2.52% and 3.8 ml as swelling index. In amaranth a moisture content of 5.76%, total ash 2.86% and 6.8 ml as swelling index. Tarwi reported a moisture content of 6.69%, total ash 3.53%, and 3.6 ml as the index of swelling. Kañahua reported a moisture content of 5.82%, total ash 3.53% and 4.75ml as swelling index. The qualitative chemical analysis in the grains shows the majority presence of flavonoids, amino acids, anthocyanidins, tannins.
Palabras clave : Quality parameters; Amaranthus caudatus; Chenopodium quinoa; Chenopodium pallidicaule; Lupinus mutabilis.