versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265
CASTANETA, HERIBERTO y NOGALES, JORGE. Oscilador armónico cuántico: la energía vibracional en las moléculas. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2016, vol.4, n.1, pp.73-84. ISSN 2310-0265.
In this review the energy of vibration follows on the chemical molecules modeled harmonic oscillator, Schrodinger 's equation is solved independent of time for the quantum harmonic oscillator using a solution in power series variable in detail. Ifs important to note that quantum oscillators cannot have zero energy, the same happens with the molecules they can't they cannot have zero energy vibration, its minimum energy being hv / 2. This energy causes the vibration of the link even at 0 K. Most molecules have no sufficient energy to stand in excited vibrational states, they can be excited by absorption of radiation energy E1 -Eo = hv , this phenomenon is the source of vibration spectra or spectra IR. That is, the IR spectra arise as a result of the discontinuous varia-tion of the vibrational energy of a molecule due to absorption of radiation
Palabras clave : Oscillator; vibration; Schrodinger; infrared.