versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265
CONDO MONTERO, CLAUDIA; SALAMANCA CAPUSIRI, EFRAÍN; FLORES, NINOSKA y GIMENEZ TURBA, ALBERTO. Estandarizacion de un metodo fluorometrico sobre trofozoitos de giardia lamblia. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2015, vol.3, n.1, pp.37-45. ISSN 2310-0265.
Giardia lamblia is an intestinal proto-zoan that causes epidemiological impact of diarrheal in our country, especially in chil-dren. The drugs used for treatment are effi-cient but many have side effects due to this there are research for new natural and syn-thetic antiparasitic agents so there is impor-tant to uses a sensitive, qualitative and fast method of in vitro antiparasitic evaluation. In this in vitro study it was standardized technique with a fluorometric indicator re-sazurin, the same which is based on redox changes from resazurin (nonfluorescent) to resorufin compound (fluorescent) due to chemical reduction present in oxidoreduc-tases viable cells. So for standardizing the fluorometric method we worked with a length of excita-tion and emission of 540 - 590nm respectively, determining the parasite population working in a range of 1.5 x106 2,5x105 tro-phozoites / mL, optimal incubation time from 2 to 7 hours and resazurin concentra-tion 4mM, 2mM, 1mM, 0.5mM and 0.25mm. Once the data determined was ob-tained, we worked in the IC50 of the con-ventional treatment of Giardia, working with 7,5x105 trophozoites / ml, 4 hours of incubation time and concentration of electron acceptor 2mM, we also determinate the antigiardiasis activity of total alkaloids cortex, CAT, of Evanta (Galipea longiflora). Getting the IC50 of albendazole (0.46 uM), metronidazole (3.12uM), tinidazole (1.22uM), mebendazole (0.43 uM) and CAT (77 ug/mL). Achieving finally standardize a fluoro-metric, sensitive and quantitative method for antiparasitic assessments within the IIFB
Palabras clave : Giardia lamblia; Susceptibility; fluorometric; Resazurin; half Maximal Inhibitory Concentration (IC50).