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versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265


MAMANI, IRMA; AVERANGA, KATTIA; ESPINOZA, BORIS  y  TERRAZAS, ENRIQUE. Establecimiento del sistema de generación in vitro de callos de Lupinus mutabilis sweet (tarwi) a partir de hipocótilos. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.27-37. ISSN 2310-0265.

Abstract The research for ways to improve the production of legumes, led us to study the optimum conditions for the establishment of in vitro cultivation of Lupinus mutabilis Sweet (tarwi), ancient grain legume in the Bolivian highlands, whose use is reduced by the poor technological conditions for cultivation, this plant being underutilized, be-ing a rich source of protein for human and animal. For this, we worked by the genera-tion of callus from hypocotyl segments of L. mutabilis Sw. obtained aseptically using hormonal combinations of auxin/cytoki-nin to mediating the biotransformation. The use of combinations ANA/BAP and 2,4D/ KIN proved adequate transformation with percentages greater than 60% in almost all concentrations tested. We selected the concentration of ANA/BAP 5/0,1 mg/L for the generation of callus with a yield of 80%. But there are premature browning callus generated. The browning and aging faced with an-tioxidant supplementation (ascorbic acid, cysteine and AgNO3) and an adsorbent (ac-tivated charcoal) in the medium, with the use of cysteine at 200 mg/L and activated charcoal at 10 g/L that prevented notably the browning of callus with percentages of 24,9% ±8,35 and 5,7±7,19 respectively. The use of antioxidants in general did not affect the transformation process but appeared to influence the development of callus.

Palabras clave : Lupinus; Lupinus mutabilis Sw; hipocotyls; callus; legumes; ANA/BAP; 2,4D/KIN; antioxidants; adsorbents.

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