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vol.1 número1Determinación de la Genuinidad en jugos de Naranja Comercializados en los Supermercados de la Ciudad de La PazContaminantes Atmosféricos que Ocasionan Efectos Genotóxicos y Mutagénicos en la Humanidad Riesgo de Cáncer y Mutación por Contaminantes Ambientales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265


RODRIGUEZ BOLO, ESTEFANY CARLA. Píldora del día después ¿Anticonceptivo o abortivo? Papel del farmacéutico en el área asistencial. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2013, vol.1, n.1, pp.115-122. ISSN 2310-0265.

Abstract The present article deals with the problem of the work and role of pharma-cist care area referred to in the market-ing of the "morning after pill". The problem stems from a difference of opinion regard-ing the status of pregnancy some define as the process from the time of implantation of the embryo until birth, others, however, give weight scientific arguments defending this process begins with fertilization. Any-way the problem, it is clear that the challenge assumed influence the consideration of the morning after pill as a contracep-tive or abortifacient likewise, determine the conditions required for its entry into the market, and also impact the ethical evalu-ation pharmacist's work in this area. In or-der to be classified the different "morning after pills" and their mechanisms of action, This part is essential to understand the mo-tivation that has led to the pharmacist to be an issue of conscience before dispensing. Wherefore were conducted literature re-views that said the effect of the morning af-ter pill has antiimplantatoria action. So, for those who believe that pregnancy begins at implantation, it is mere contraceptives. But with the firm conviction that scientifically based pregnancy begins at the moment of fertilization, it is clearly abortifacient drugs. This attitude is justified pharmacist collabo-ration seeks to avoid an abortive act, albe-it merely material and indirect. Based on all the information obtained and reviewed it concluded that a pharmacist should inform the user about the "morning after pill" or in other cases evade the dispensations and marketing. Since abortive effects are some-how harm human health.

Palabras clave : morning after pill; abortion; contraception; pharmaceutical; pharmaceutical assistance.

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