versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265
SEGURONDO LOZA, ROMINA; PANTOJA, MARÍA ROSA y ROCHA, ELIANA. Determinación de la Genuinidad en jugos de Naranja Comercializados en los Supermercados de la Ciudad de La Paz. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2013, vol.1, n.1, pp.105-112. ISSN 2310-0265.
Abstract World production of citrus juice concen-trates, is estimated at 2.6 million tonnes. Or-ange juice accounts for 88% of the total. The market is led by Brazil with 50% of the vol-ume produced, followed by U.S. with 40%. In Bolivia the fruit market is still growing, both for imports and for domestic consumption Currently marketed drinks based on fruit juice both importand domestic manufacture, they are subject to control by gov-ernment agencies (Ministry of Health and Sports and the National Service of Agricul-tural Health and Food Safety - SENASAG) under national and international standards is recognized as the Standard Bolivian and the Codex Alimentarius, like all food prod-ucts to ensure quality and safety. This paper aims to determine the genu-ine from the juices marketed in our area for which the method was spectrophotometri-cally which allowed us to quantify the con-centration of the amino acid praline as a dominant presence in the orange Currently, the laboratory analysis is mainly based on the determinations of physical and chemical parameters that need to be complemented by other analyti-cal methods (such as: Quantifying Proline by spectrophotometry, and Formol Index) proposed in his work, able to determine the genuine orange juice in the trade of the city of La Paz, and collaborate with the su-pervisory bodies to fulfill the responsibili-ty to ensure that the products consumed by our population satisfied with what was stat-ed on their labels. The study revealed that all the samples tested complied with the parameters estab-lished physicochemical while in the parameters of genuine suggested in the present study, 62.5% comply with the limits of the reference rate of formol and only 43, 75% with the limits of proline.
Palabras clave : Orange juice; Index formol; Proline; Genuine.