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Journal of the Selva Andina Biosphere
Print version ISSN 2308-3867On-line version ISSN 2308-3859
DE LA CRUZ-ARANGO, Jesús and CONDOR ALARCON, Reynán. Dynamics of post-fire natural regeneration of high Andean ecosystems in the district of Chiara. Ayacucho-Peru. J. Selva Andina Biosph. [online]. 2023, vol.11, n.1, pp.6-21. Epub May 01, 2023. ISSN 2308-3867.
The dynamics of natural regeneration of high Andean ecosystems disturbed by fires in the district of Chiara, Ayacucho - Peru was studied. Three study zones were established along the Ayacucho - Cusco road, district of Chiara: Toccto, Incapaperqan and Qewillaqocha, characterized by areas with and without fire impact, applying the band transect sampling method. In Qewillaqocha the most frequent species were Festuca dolichophylla, Plantago australis, Luzula racemosa, Calamagrostis vicunarum, F. dolichophyla had the greatest coverage, followed by C. vicunarum. In density, creeping and cespitose species such as Lachemilla pinnata, L. racemosa stood out; in non-impact vegetation, F. dolichophylla was the most representative, followed by C. vicunarum. In Incapaperqan, plant species are in regrowth, highlighting Bromus catharticus, F. dolichophylla, Poa sp., and Muhlenbergia peruviana; in the non-impacted zone, F. dolichophylla predominates, followed by L. pinnata and C. vicunarum. In Toccto, there are resprouts of F. dolichophylla. In the non-fire zone, F. dolichophylla is the most frequent, followed by C. vicunarum. The burned areas presented higher species richness in relation to areas without impact, the diversity indices are very low in both cases. The affected areas will recover with the first rains and will be in full splendor within 4-5 years. F. dolichophylla does not die completely in the fire. Regeneration by seeds is very slow.
Keywords : Fire; natural regeneration; high Andean ecosystems; pajonal.