Journal of the Selva Andina Biosphere
versão impressa ISSN 2308-3867versão On-line ISSN 2308-3859
CONDORI-MAMANI, Pastor et al. Evaluation of biol`s effect on fourteen accession of native potato (Solanum ssp.) at the experimental station kallutaca. J. Selva Andina Biosph. [online]. 2017, vol.5, n.1, pp.15-28. ISSN 2308-3867.
In Bolivia the productive potato regions, you characterize for an extensive agriculture in blankets (of traditional form), of car subsistence and not much diversified, the little properties for the cultivation of potato possess the greater part of the productive, and they locate at little plots of land that annually they go rotating. The present research work has the objective to make a comparison and to characterize fourteen accessions of native potato of germoplasma's collection, of Agronomic Ingeniería's race, (UPEA). The study carried completion at Kallutaca's experiment station itself, becoming established on the basis of a Design Bloques Complete at random (DBCA) with three repetitions each accession, the second factor is diligent biol's dose, considered himself like a stimulant compound fito, for cultivations, where increments in the capability of photosynthesis and the production allow principal. Whose moral values place between 2.0 2.6% themselves (% in dry material) and that they yielded 3.3 %'s concentration of total N to 3.7%. The analysis of microcomputer Hierro's (132 ppm), Manganeso's, Cobre's and Zinc's presence with 12.1 and 6 ppm detected nutrient in the obtained effluent. Accessions Pole, Sacampaya, Sani imilla, Janq'o, collide, Runic Bola, Q'aysalla and Laramq'aysa had bigger development, the same the remainders have bigger performances they did not have the same incidence. This answer is due to a positive effect of the biol on the performance of tubers in accordance with dose of diligent biol the accessions of native potato where 1 with the application of dose of 25 % of Biol obtained to 10 t.h-1 an equivalent yield.
Palavras-chave : Accessions; biol; native potato; stimulant fito; performance.