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Journal of the Selva Andina Biosphere

versão impressa ISSN 2308-3867versão On-line ISSN 2308-3859


APAZA-CONDORI, Emma Eva; MAMANI-PATI, Francisco  e  SAINZ-MENDOZA, Humberto. Evaluation of heavy metals in the process of composting organic waste of coca leaves. J. Selva Andina Biosph. [online]. 2015, vol.3, n.2, pp.95-102. ISSN 2308-3867.

The present study is to evaluate the total concentrations of the heavy metals in waste compost samples from coca leaf. This work was carried out Kallutaca Experimental Center, Biofertilizers module Career Agricultural Engineering at the Public University of El Alto, La Paz municipality of Laja. Posed treatments were: T1 (+ Yogurt Coca wastes); T2 (Coca wastes + whey); T3 (Coca wastes + yeast) and T4 (Control). The design was completely randomized with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The concentration of heavy metals (cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, mercury and chromium); they were categorized into Class A, for the four treatments according to the classifications established by Moreno & Moral (2008).

Palavras-chave : Compost; heavy metals; Coca leaf; yogurt; whey; yeast.

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