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Revista Aportes de la Comunicación y la Cultura

versão impressa ISSN 2306-8671


AMELLER DEL CASTILLO, Valeria  e  SANDOVAL ARENAS, Vania. Violence against women in Santa Cruz minibuses, diagnosis, and campaign proposal. Rev. aportes de la comunicación [online]. 2022, n.33, pp.57-70. ISSN 2306-8671.

Abstract The research addressed the issue of violence in public transportation in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The work had three stages of development, the first was a documentary research that consisted of a review of the existing national and municipal regulatory framework regarding the issue of violence, subsequently, a general diagnosis of violence in the microbuses of lines 72 and 18, which circulate through the center of the city during the 2018-2019 management, was made from the implementation of surveys to 280 users and 100 drivers, giving a total of 380 surveys; in third instance, in-depth interviews were conducted with experts in the field of urban planning, authorities in charge of the management of public transport and experts on issues of violence and gender. The results showed that women are the main victims of violence in minibuses and bus stops.  The second part of the work explains the development of a proposal for an awareness campaign against violence against women inside public transportation minibuses in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Palavras-chave : Gender violence; urban transportation; anti-violence campaigns.

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