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Revista Aportes de la Comunicación y la Cultura

versão impressa ISSN 2306-8671


HERRERA, Luis; ALLENDE, Constanza  e  BERRIOS, Francisca. Conceptual metaphors about the sea. Rev. aportes de la comunicación [online]. 2022, n.33, pp.5-24. ISSN 2306-8671.

Abstract The objective of this article is to identify and analyze the conceptual metaphors linked to the sea, existing in the oral expressions of the inhabitants of the coastal towns of the Province of San Antonio, considering the sea as the target domain. For this, a semi-structured interview has been carried out with 60 inhabitants of the Province, in order to later identify and analyze the conceptual metaphors. Different types of conceptual metaphors are recognized, the most common being “Sea as therapy”, “Sea as an energy generator”, “Sea as a person”, “Sea as a universe” and “Sea as an economic supporter”, among others. In addition, new investigative searches are opened, by understanding that informants use several conceptual metaphors in different communicative or thematic situations, as well as by identifying relationships between different conceptual metaphors

Palavras-chave : sea; conceptual metaphors; identity; cognitive linguistics; culture.

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