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Revista Aportes de la Comunicación y la Cultura

versão impressa ISSN 2306-8671


URIBE JORDAN, Daniela Andrea  e  CHIRINO ORTIZ, María Fabiana. Parental perception of the sexual behavior of their 3 to 5 years old children in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Rev. aportes de la comunicación [online]. 2019, n.26, pp.39-50. ISSN 2306-8671.

Abstract This study was motivated by the disinformation foound on chil sexuality, the conlficts in generatesin parentsandthe waythey respondto their child sexual behaviors-The main objective of the reserarch was to analize the perceptions that parents have of the sexual behavoir of their 3 to 5 years old children. Identifying the ways in wich sexuality manifests itself inthem, as well as the thoughts, emotions and behavioral reactions of their parents. The study was conducted on a sample of 22 participants, 17 mothers, 2 fathers (primary sources) and 3 teachers (secondary sources), which was defined by the criterion of data saturation. The design of qualitative research of descriptive type, was based on the interpretive paradigm, for what refers to semi-structured interviews directed to parents and mothers and kindergarten teachers. The categories built in the study were: boys, girls and their sexuality, parents before their children's sexuality, parental expiriences, thoghts, emotions, and parental response to sexual behavoir in their children.

Palavras-chave : Child sexuality; Sexual behaviors in childhood.

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