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Revista Aportes de la Comunicación y la Cultura

versión impresa ISSN 2306-8671


JORDAN BAZAN, Nelson. From Herbalife to Foucault: Biopolitics in the Neoliberal Third World. Rev. aportes de la comunicación [online]. 2014, n.17, pp.35-38. ISSN 2306-8671.

This essay explores the possibility of applying the concept of "biopolitical production", coined by the political philosopher Michel Foucault in the last century, to the social and working conditions of Bolivia in the context of a liberal economic model of the "Third World". Exploitation, pyramid schemes, new subjectivities related to trade promotion style and work "on their own" so widespread in our environment, are the cornerstones of this proposal. The success of pyramid selling companies not only lies in the sales figures of non-essential products, nor the large number of vendors that incorporate increasingly, but perhaps chiefly by the generation of a new subjectivity that assumes a voluntary alienation, linked to the belief that the self-employed, with their own (minimum) capital, and no job security, are an inexcusable burden on the road to success. This is the scope of the concept of "biopolitical production"

Palabras clave : Societies of control; Mass media; Competitiveness.

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