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Revista Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

versión impresa ISSN 2225-8787


HUAYTA, Loida; PARRA, Nardy; NINA, Abigail  y  LAIME, Oscar. Biopsychosocial effects of health personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chuquisaca. Rev. Cien. Tec. In. [online]. 2024, vol.22, n.31, pp.1-14. ISSN 2225-8787.

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted society and the health system, therefore, health professionals, leaving sequelae in their health status, affecting their family and social environment.

This study aimed to analyze the biopsychosocial effects presented by health personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 - 2021. Quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, and retrospective study was conducted on 87 health professionals through non-probabilistic sampling who worked in the Regulatory Center of Urgencies and Medical Emergencies belonging to the SEDES Chuquisaca. A questionnaire was applied to collect the information using Google Forms. The data was processed using SPSS version 25.

On the other hand, the most outstanding psychological effects were worry (74.7%), and stress (64.4%). The social effects were social rejection (66.7%) and social isolation (52%). At the same time, there was a statistically significant relationship and low correlation between the primary disease (p=0.002; 0.334) and work under pressure (p=0.007; 0.324) with biological effects. When the professional-labor variables were related to the psychological effects, the monthly workload (0.278; p=0.009) and work under pressure during times of pandemic (0.286; p=0.007) have a low correlation with a significant relationship. Finally, work under pressure with social effects was significantly associated (p= 0.016) but with a low negative correlation (-0.257). In conclusion, the professionals presented biopsychosocial effects.

Palabras clave : Pandemic; COVID-19; Biopsychosocial Effects; Health Professionals.

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