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Revista Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

versión impresa ISSN 2225-8787


ESCOJA ALEJO, Luis Fernando; MAMANI CORIA, Gabriela Olivia  y  TERRAZAS SALAS, Yolly. Training Environments and Professional training of Biochemistry Internships at the Santa Bárbara Hospital. Rev. Cien. Tec. In. [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.27, pp.35-46. ISSN 2225-8787.

This research is based on three referential units of analysis: the concern about the practical relationship and theory in university professional training, qualifying undergraduate health training; the types of professionals that the Bolivian university system outlines in the field of biochemistry and their practice in laboratories; and the internship modality as a form of graduation for university students, specifically in the training environments and professional training of biochemistry interns in the laboratory of the Santa Bárbara Hospital. For this purpose, the qualitative-quantitative approach was used: the first, contributed to collect and analyze non- numerical data to understand concepts, opinions or experiences; the second, to understand results and correlations, understand cause and effect relationships. Consequently, the documentary and bibliographical review, selective reading and analysis was carried out, and later the survey questionnaire was applied to 15 students during their internship at the Santa Bárbara Hospital. The results obtained reveal three fundamental aspects in the training environments and professional training of biochemistry interns: the controversy of the development in the different environments; lack of permanent accompaniment from teachers and monitors; and above all the scarce articulation between theory-practice-reflection. Aspects that generate questions among academic authorities, teachers, laboratory monitors, and the students in training themselves.

Palabras clave : Health; Biochemistry; Laboratory; Practical-Reflective.

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