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Revista Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
versión impresa ISSN 2225-8787
ZELADA, Alfredo; COL QUE, Juan y MIRANDA, Nielsy. Geographical information systems applied to the hydraulic regulation of the rio Chico river, district n° 7, municipality of Sucre, Chuquisaca department. Rev. Cien. Tec. In. [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.20, pp.107-130. ISSN 2225-8787.
Abstract The Río Chico river is a tributary of the Río Grande river and as such it belongs to the amazonic basin. In its development it forms a sort of "Z" oriented from north to south; it's born on the Pintur Orcko hill at an altitude of 3,520 m.a.s.l. with the name of Cuinaca river and starting from its union with the Río Porras river, it receives the name of Río Chico. Geographically speaking, the river basin of the Río Chico, covers 2,079.68 Km2 and belongs to the basin of the Río Grande and therefore to the Amazon, this particular valley represents a strong economic importance for the entire department of Chuquisaca and in particular for the city of Sucre. Currently, the Rio Chico basin presents extreme degradation of its slopes, so that the cultivation and housing areas are in constant danger, due to the large floods and the sediment carryover. Thus: the hydraulic analysis of the equilibrium of the main course of the river and its tributaries is necessary to propose sustainable solutions, oriented to the later study of the integral management of the basin. Geographic Information Systems provide technological tools to carry out watershed analysis, obtaining results through the process of georeferencing to take decisions regarding sustainable solutions for the hydraulic balance of the tributaries in the basin.