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Revista Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

versión impresa ISSN 2225-8787


AVILES, María  y  FLORES, Raymundo. Validation the effect of a Phytotherapic medicine based on plant extracts of Lupinus/Aloe called REGUMETACEL for the treatment of Diabetes type II, Rheumatic Gouty Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gastritis through different case studies. Rev. Cien. Tec. In. [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.16, pp.933-948. ISSN 2225-8787.

Abstract The aim of this investigation was to valídate the effect of a Phytotherapic medicine based on plant extracts of Lupmus/Aloe called REGUMETACEL for the treatment of Diabetes type II, Rheumatic Gouty Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gastritis through different case studies. In the first phase of the study, the dosage was validated taking into account the traditional use in the Chaqui communities of the Department of Potosí-Bolivia, laboratory and clinical tests. In the second phase a control of the dosage was monitored from 2006 to 2015. The average validated dose was 2.7 mg/kg body weight. The methodology used for this study was an exploratory-descriptive and experimental type by the evaluation and continuous observation of the research unit, represented by individuáis (four case studies) which had between a modérate (coded as 1) and severe (coded as 2) progression of diseases such as diabetes, gastritis - gouty Arthritis, Gastritis-Osteoarthritis. The actual start of the treatment in patients coded as (1) was assessed at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days with rest intervals of five days for every 15 days of taking. In patients coded as (2), the treatment was applied after the 30 days of the dose administered to the patients coded as 1 in order to determine the effect produced in the first month. Patients for this study were selected from those who did not currently have conventional medication or who left it. The monitoring and control of the treatment with REGUMETACEL was performed through laboratory tests and surveillance (60 mg/8 hours dosing; 180 mg/day of puré extract of Lupinus stabilized with Aloe vera). The result was significant F= (32,2); p=0.042, F=(2,7); p=0.025 thus confirming the efficacy of the natural phytotherapeutic effect of Lupinus/Aloe solid extract for the indicated diseases. The treatment was accompanied by a healthy and flexible diet (fruits, vegetables, white meat, avoiding the consumption of red meat). The second phase of the study consisted in a continuously evaluation of the treatment performed with a maintenance dose for two years. In the first year of post treatment, control was performed with a single dose of 60 mg/day, month-to-month intervals of 10 days of rest. From the second year, a single dose of 45 mg/day with rest intervals month to month of 15 days. From year 3 to year 10, laboratory monitoring and control of laboratory parameters used as indicators and by observation were performed, where it was possible to appreciate the relatively constant results between 95 and 98% in the patients under study. At the same time verifying that they use the product between 5 and 15 days as a detoxifier after sumptuous banquets and the development of a normal healthy life without any side effect at the doses used. This results allowed to conclude that the curative properties of the active ingredients with REGUMETACEL (Lupinus / Aloe extract: prepared, stabilized and dosed) and which owes its phytotherapeutic activity, allows the cells to regúlate the functioning of their metabolism returning the functional activity to the organism, the reason why the product has been denominated REGUMETACEL (REGULATOR OF CELL METABOLISM). The average dose per day specified for an individual of 74 kg of weight, is of 200 mg and a DL above 3 mg / kg.

Palabras clave : REGUMETACEL; Metabolism; Disease; Phytotherapic; Lupinus, Aloe.

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