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vol.15 número16El uso de la fotografía en trabajos de graduación de la Carrera de Sociología de la Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca (U.S.F.X.)Validación del efecto fitoterápico de un medicamento en base a extractos vegetales de lupinus/aloe (regumetacel) para el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 11, artritis reumática, artrosis, y gastritis. Sucre 2006 - 2015 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

versión impresa ISSN 2225-8787


VARGAS, Paola. The application of ICTs as a requirement for the tourist competitiveness of Sucre. Rev. Cien. Tec. In. [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.16, pp.921-932. ISSN 2225-8787.

Abstract The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is worldwide used in tourism and it has become an essential tool that allows capturing tourists for a variety of destinations that are promoted on the web. The aim of this article is to systematize the experience in the use of ICT in the city of Sucre, as an important touristic destination in Bolivia. This will allow us to identify de degree in which ICT is used by the tourist managers to promote their services. Due to lack of data we have designed a methodology that let us enhance, describe, analyze in a quick and self-managed way the existence of innovations in the tourism service providers in Sucre. The ICT is a great improvement that should be used wisely in the field of tourism since it has also affected negatively the personal interaction, previously considered the most used tool for promotion. The present analysis will determine whether the current use of ICT entails improvements in the tourism business field in Sucre, in terms of competitiveness between destinations. This article will cióse with strategic recommendations about the use of ICT leading to contribute to the growth of the tourism sector in Sucre since it is an essential mean to improve the competitiveness of the sector in the national and worldwide market.

Palabras clave : Macro Rules; Summarizing; Summary; ADHD; PISA; Discourse Theory.

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