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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica

versión impresa ISSN 2223-3032


GONZALES MEDINA, Abner. Bolivian practices and minimalism: a cultural analysis of challenges and strategies for social change adoption. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2024, n.31, pp.93-114. ISSN 2223-3032.

In Bolivia, the adoption of minimalism faces significant cultural and social obstacles. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the feasibility of implementing minimalism in Bolivian culture, addressing the cultural challenges that hinder its adoption. A quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was proposed, considering a sample of 384 individuals aged 30 to 70, from major cities such as Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. It was found that the main challenges are related to the lack of knowledge about its benefits and social pressure to consume excessively, perceiving minimalism as impractical and boring. It is necessary to implement strategies gradually to achieve the adoption of minimalism in the country.

Palabras clave : Minimalism; Lifestyle; Culture; Society; Bolivian practices.

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