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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica

versión impresa ISSN 2223-3032


TACCA HUAMAN, Daniel Rubén; ALVA RODRIGUEZ, Miguel Ángel  y  TACCA HUAMAN, Ana Luisa. Stress, coping and academic performance in peruvian teenage students in the time of covid-19. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2022, n.27, pp.15-32. ISSN 2223-3032.

The social and educational context have changed as a result of social isolation due to COVID-19. The research aimed to determine the presence of academic stress, identify stressors, investigate the coping process and review the results of the academic performance of Peruvian students. The research approach was mixed with sequential explanatory scope and the sample consisted of 178 students from the final three year of study of high school. The results evidenced the presence of academic stress in the sample, being the women, the students of private schools and the students in their final year of study who presented more stress. The homework, the time to carry them out and the poor understanding of the topics developed were the main stressors. The coping strategies focused on organizing the courses load, defending their ideas and search information. Academic performance showed an inverse relationship with stress, and men had better performance scores. On the other hand, the students perceived that good humor and social interaction with their family and friends are important aspects; furthermore, they seek various leisure and recreational activities to overcome difficult times considering the limitations of time and space.

Palabras clave : Stress; Coping; Academic performance; Teenagers; Schools.

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