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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica

versión impresa ISSN 2223-3032


PADILLA BUENO, Daniel Augusto et al. Participatory Action Research in the Group "Colectribu" of Young Artists in Social Risk. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2021, n.26, pp.131-144.  Epub 31-Dic-2021. ISSN 2223-3032.

This research tries to describe the group dynamic that unravels between members of the hip hop artistic collective “Colectribu”, consisting of young people in social risk, exposed to phenomena such as violence, gangs and substance abuse, they attend the “Resistencia Juvenil” program dependent from the La Paz Foundation. It describes a space of artistic development allowing growth of artistic abilities by means of lyricism workshops, musical production and others types of workshops. At the same time the concept of gang reformulates, leaving behind the violent intent to redirect the work from “Colectribu” to creation, social contribution and personal growth. “[Colectribu] is a union of youth who come from different places of La Paz who get together joined by hip hop, it’s a way of expressing to people a new message, that is conscious and reflexive”. An action-participative study was made, as well as a documentary who logs the reality of the members of the group that can be found at

Palabras clave : Group psychology; Gangs; Youth; Hip Hop; Participatory Action Research..

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