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 número24Autoeficacia académica y aprendizaje autorregulado en un grupo de estudiantes de una Universidad en LimaPercepción y significación de la actitud gestáltica en adolescentes del hogar “Casa Esperanza” índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica

versión impresa ISSN 2223-3032


SANTA CRUZ, Flor Fanny  y  D'ANGELO, Giuliana. Positive discipline for the development of emotional abilities. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2020, n.24, pp.53-74. ISSN 2223-3032.

Abstract Balance the teaching - learning with the emotional aspect, and allow to develop emotional skills necessary to properly handle the relationships in different contexts, has become a necessary measure. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of the tools for life with positive discipline in strengthening the emotional intelligence of adolescents between the ages of 12 to 13 years, in a female private educational institution of the District of Trujillo - Peru. The type of research is applied, with almost experimental design. It worked with a sample of 51 students and applied Bar-On's Emotional Intelligence Inventory. The results demonstrated the achievement of a moderate and statistically significant strengthening (p<.05) of the emotional intelligence of the experimental group. In addition, each dimension of emotional intelligence achieved a significant percentage increase by comparing the pre-test with the post-test in each, with the exception of the stress management component.

Palabras clave : Adaptability; Adolescent; Positive discipline; Emotional Intelligence; Management of stress.

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