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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica
versión On-line ISSN 2223-3032
AYA VELANDIA, Luis Alfonso. Brain-Complexity and Bioresistance. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2018, n.19, pp.195-206. ISSN 2223-3032.
The study of biology and human brain from complex perspectives has allowed a broader understanding of the ways in which the human machine works, atthe same time knowledge has been systematized around the ways in which it can be affected / manipulated by environmental actions external. In this way knowing the internal brain functioning, biology and its behavioral effects is a powerthat has been emerging well to produce techniques of domination such as fear or renewed actions of bioresistencias, all mediated by new ways of taking knowledge from the sciences of complexity.
Palabras clave : Brain; complexity; altruism; sociopolitical; bioresistance.