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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica
versión On-line ISSN 2223-3032
ALONSO, Daniela y BRUSSINO, Silvina. Political culture in an electoral polarization scenario in Argentina. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2018, n.19, pp.39-59. ISSN 2223-3032.
This paper assesses the political culture of citizens from Córdoba in a political polarization scenario. The main objective isto explore its characteristics in terms of a set of psycho-political variables and their differences depending on the electoral option. Two groups of citizens were examined: those who voted for the current Argentinian president, Mauricio Macri, and those who voted for his opponent, Daniel Scioli. The sample consisted of 455 citizens from Córdoba, between 18 and 70 years old (M = 37.3). We measured variables related to political trust (trust in political actors, corruption perception, political cynicism and justice), perception of the socio-political context (socio-emotional climate, anomie perception) ideological variables (RWA, SDO, belief in ajustworld, political tolerance, ideological selfpositioning), psycho-social values, cognitive aspects (political interest, knowledge and efficacy), social capital (social trust and participation) and attitudes towards democracy. The results showed significant differences between these groups. Macri's voters showed more conservative ideologies, greater cynicism, distrust and more negative attitudes towards politics' traditional actors; while they positively valued the social context and the current government.
Palabras clave : Political climate; political culture; political legitimacy; political polarization; vote.