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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica
versión On-line ISSN 2223-3032
MARIC PALENQUE, Maria Lily y ROMERO, Juan Carlos. How do we see you? How do we see them? the stereotypes in the bolivian-chilean conflict. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2018, n.19, pp.17-37. ISSN 2223-3032.
Stereotypes are one of the largest and most enduring research areas in social psychology, many of the processes by which stereotypes are formed, maintained and applied are now well understood. The present study uses the advances obtained in recent years in this area and starting from the periodic appearance of conflicts between Bolivia and Chile, seeks to determine the self and hetero stereotypes (how do we see ourselves and how do we see them?), between both regions. The research had a binational sample of university students from the border between both nations (La Paz-Bolivia and Arica-Chile), the results indicate the importance of stereotypes in international conflicts and their possible impact on the negotiation processes.
Palabras clave : Hetero stereotypes; auto stereotypes; outgroups; endogroups; Bolivia and Chile.