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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica

versión On-line ISSN 2223-3032


PEREZ SANCHEZ DE LORIA, Gina. Consideration of some personal and organization al variables in the praxis of health teams for the enhancement of the quality of the services provided to the user in hospital centers. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2017, n.18, pp.111-123. ISSN 2223-3032.

The article is a brief review of the book of the same name that is currently in its final stage of writing. The theoretical proposal and bibliographical revision that was developed has its origin in the Psychology of Health that has as one of its objectives to know the state and the conditions experienced by the patients in the hospital environment, as well as the sources of problem in the medical relation patient. But also from Cognitive Psychology, we propose the study of some personal variables such as the importance of the type of Cognitive Structure, together with subjective well-being, training in values and human quality, and also identify organizational variables that are considered vital for the understanding and the empower-ment of the work carried out by health teams and that impact on the quality of care provided to users, thus incorporating the need for the contribution of Organizational Psychology to this type of analysis. In summary, the article presents an overview of those factors that in one way or another must be considered in the analysis of the praxis with which the health teams face their work and presents a final proposal that must be assumed by the professionals in this area.

Palabras clave : Personal and organizational variables; praxis health teams; empowerment; quality services; users; hospital centers.

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