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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica
versión impresa ISSN 2223-3032
PAREDES A., Gladys y PINELO NAVARRO, Dora Beatriz. Neuroticismo, afrontamiento y dolor crónico. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2013, n.10, pp.23-33. ISSN 2223-3032.
This research is a replication non experimental exercise, in which was verified the relationship between the dimension "Neuroticism, the perceived intensity of pain and coping strategies " ; as in the research conducted in Spain in 2001, by Ramirez , MC , Esteve, ZR , and Lopez , MAE . In the current research 93 patients were selected with chronic pain: Oncology and Hemodialysis treatment at Clinical Hospital of La Paz, Bolivia. The following measuring instruments granted by Spanish researchers were used: Coping Scale Vanderbilt Pain (Brown and Nicassio, 1987); The McGill Pain Questionnaire (Ruiz et al., 1990) and the Eysenck Personality Inventory (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1990). The statistical data analysis, using the Spearman correlation coefficient and Kendall. (SSPS version 11.5, indicated high levels of neuroticism as predictors of use of coping strategies ( passive ); and a relation of the latter with the intensity of perceived pain; it was also shown a positive relationship between the variables: " Neuroticism, Coping Strategies and Chronic Pain." In both groups of patients: oncology and dialysis treatment, were found significant and positive correlations between the dimension of neuroticism, catastrophic coping strategies, and pain intensity.
Palabras clave : Neuroticism; Chronic pain; Coping strategies.