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vol.28 número52Los derechos de consulta y participación de los pueblos indígenas en Brasil y el Eje de CapricornioConcatenación de capitales culturales, ambientales, políticos y físicos en el desarrollo del turismo sostenible de la colina de San Sebastian, ciudad de Cochabamba índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Ciencia y Cultura

versão impressa ISSN 2077-3323


VERON, Eduardo. Environmental Policies in Informal Popular Neighborhoods. Citizen Participation as a Guarantor of Legitimacy and Sustainability of the Policy. Rev Cien Cult [online]. 2024, vol.28, n.52, pp.105-131.  Epub 30-Jun-2024. ISSN 2077-3323.

Public policies in informal popular neighborhoods acquire particularities that differentiate them from those implemented in formal neighborhoods. This article aims to describe environmental policies that were implemented in informal popular neighborhoods of the Ciudad of Buenos Aires between 2021 and 2023. Through field work, review of working documents, interviews with neighbors and State workers, we attempt to describe how Environmental policies are implemented in these spaces that have greater exposure to polluting sources, scarce resources for mitigation, irregular urban physiognomy and concentration of neighborhood social organizations that fight for participation in decisions.

Palavras-chave : Informal popular neighborhoods; environmental policy; waste; participación ciudadana; urbanization processes; socio-urban integration.

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